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Conservation Meeting Minutes 1/19/06

Conservation Commission
January 19, 2006
No Quorum

Janet Dunlap and Stephan Glicken were the members present. Stephen Cremer arrived at
8:30 p.m.

8:00 p.m. Mr. Fred Martin met with the Commission to discuss the Warrant Article for the May Town Meeting regarding the acquisition of King Philip’s Estates submitted by Kurt Buermann:

Mr. Wayne Beitler, Land Protection Specialist, from the Trustees of Reservations was present.
Mr. Fred Martin stated that when he attended the initial Sharon CPA Committee Meeting he learned of the Commission's interest in applying for CPA Funds.  At the meeting, George
Bailey expressed his opinion that the projects already established by the Town should be
given priority. He favored cooperation between the existing Town Committees and the CPA Committee.
The Committee might decide to give a higher ranking to a project if it combines uses, such as historical and open space values. Mr. Martin expressed his desire for the Commission to
submit a proposal to the CPA Committee for land purchases near King Philip’s Rocks. He presented a packet of information to the Commission
that included a map of the King Philip’s Rock parcel and indicated that Lot 2 would be the
most crucial parcel to preserve so that the sightline of the hilltop area of King Philip’s Rocks would be protected from potential development. He suggested purchasing Lot 2 as
Conservation Land because it would be an ideal access to the hilltop, which is a focal point
in any parkland path design.
Mr. Martin is proposing that the potential developer subdivide his lot into two
non-conforming lots:
·       The subdivision of Lot 1 into two lots, 1-A and 1-B.
            (A Conservation Easement placed on Lot 1-B would allow public access to the existing
            Conservation Land, reduce the price of the lot and eliminate the possibility of a new
            house construction behind rocks identified as Rock L and Rock S-H).  
·       Lot 1-A could remain as a buildable lot.
·       To place a Conservation Easement on Lot 3 with a dividing line proceeding to the
      furthest northwest corner of the adjoining lot.
      (Lot 3-A could remain as a buildable lot and Lot 3-B could be sold with a
      Conservation Easement).
Janet Dunlap explained to Mr. Martin that it might not be a good idea to subdivide Lot 1 for
the purpose of creating a public access easement as it might create insurance issues for the property owner as well
as other problems.  
Mr. Martin asked the Commission if it were possible to place a Conservation Easement on
Lot 1-B with a boundary line set closer to the front of the lot so that a house could be built
in a different area of the lot.
The members of the Commission explained to Mr. Martin that the placement of a Conservation
Restriction would not be considered until after the lot is sold. Then, if the landowner
constructed a new house on the front portion of the property, the concept of a Conservation Restriction might be possible.
Mr.Wayne Beitler stated that the Trustees of Reservations holds a Conservation Restriction
on land abutting the King Philip's Rocks Parcel. The Trustees of Reservations would like to encourage people to consider the historic and scenic qualities of the site, especially the hilltop and the potential impact
to the hilltop and Conservation Land from the proposed development.
Greg stated that Mr. Wluka's last quoted price for the middle lot was approximately $600,000.
When Greg asked Wayne Beitler if the Trustees of Reservations would be interested in purchasing the King Philip’s Rocks parcel or whether they would like to involve themselves
in any way, he replied in the negative.

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Mr. Martin stated that he would try to develop a new plan to submit to the Commission that
would include a Conservation Easement or a Right of Access on Lot 1-B.
Mr. Martin mentioned that Kurt Buermann submitted his article regarding the King Philip’s
Rocks parcel in time to be on the Warrant for the May Town Meeting.

8:50 p.m. Old/New Business:

The Commission agreed that Janet Dunlap compose a letter on behalf of the Commission
in response to Ben Puritz’s request for the Commission’s support in obtaining a grant from
the Riverways Program for the Wilber School Project.

9:00 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Order of Conditions for Joseph Daly, 21 Beach Road.
DEP File Number SE-280-0471.

9:05 p.m. The Meeting ended.